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Sunday, January 30, 2011

1st Anniversary of

enThanks to the experiences 
enJoy to the adventure
of maintaining this blog 
through the first year and into

Solar Return reading for generated by Io Interpreter ©TCR Astrology software 

Transit MARS opposed natal Mars
Jan 30 through Jan 30, 2011 

The biggest potential of this period is that you may have to constantly cope with people whose actions and purposes are diametrically opposed to your own. Under this influence your attempts to physically accomplish something may be appropriately compared to hitting your head against the proverbial stone wall. Making little or no headway, you’ll end up wondering why you ever wasted your energy in the first place. Nor will you succeed any better with a show of strength or aggressiveness, since these efforts are apt to be met with an equally determined exhibition of force. It may be difficult to sustain any controlled or stable physical efforts at this time, but things may be easier for you if do not waste what energy you have with anything but the most routine, quietly carried out tasks.

Transit SUN opposed natal Mars
Jan 30 through Jan 31 

Under this influence many of your physical efforts may be undone, perhaps through laziness or careless behavior on your part or that of others. The point is that you should not try too hard to accomplish much since it may be a lost cause. Some vital force seems to be missing. Though you may or may not be able to point to exactly what it is, you’ll be frustrated if you try to stir things up to correct the situation. There is no pleasing anybody now, including yourself. Open confrontations are likely to turn into disasters and solve nothing in the bargain. A good time for quiet mental pursuits.

Transit VENUS square natal Uranus
Jan 30 through Jan 31, exact on Jan 30 

Interactions of all kinds; romantic, social, business, friendships and even fleeting encounters with such people as salesclerks or bank tellers-- can have a way of putting you in touch with the values and social mores of your own generation rather than what is currently fashionable. It can work in many different ways and on many different levels. You may, for instance, be wearing a certain style of clothing and find yourself among those dressed in fashions that differ strikingly from your own. Your interactions with others may also differ strikingly enough to make social events somewhat awkward. Any of these potential circumstances can end up being pleasant experiences, even if they are initially uncomfortable. Others are apt to eventually come around to finding you attractive and interesting, and you are able to succeed at something because of your uniqueness not in spite of it. Coordinating group activities is apt to be frustrating but if you rise to the challenge, your efforts may produce viable results.

Transit SATURN square natal Mercury
Jan 30 through Jan 31 

By choice or current circumstances you may be very preoccupied with computers, communications, writing assignments, mechanical and design projects, education, and training. Whatever efforts you may be engaged in along these lines, they are likely to be plagued by delay or frustrations of one sort or another. Correspondence does not arrive on time. The material or assignments you are given may be new or more difficult than usual, or other circumstances make it hard for you to give sufficient time and attention to the tasks at hand. Travel is apt to be delayed, but this by no means implies that you should cancel the trip. Simply work your schedule around the changes or inconveniences that turn up. A similar description and pattern of frustration may accompany business or commercial enterprises, community activities, meetings or seminars, and projects or contacts that involve siblings and neighbors. Your normal pace may be slowed by respiratory ailments, hearing or speech difficulties, arthritis, and other complaints that you may experience yourself or have to cope with in others. The positive potential is that in every likelihood you will accomplish what you set out to do. All you need is patience and the determination to overcome whatever challenges turn up.

Transit PLUTO square natal Saturn
Jan 30 through Jan 31 

This long-term influence is likely to bring difficult but not insurmountable circumstances, the nature of which involves overcoming those with more power than your own, situations that involve a new start or regaining something that was lost, or dealing with the threatened loss of your own power or influence. The past becomes significantly important to the present as well as the future. If you refused to accept the necessary restrictions and limitations that were necessary for progress to be made, this becomes a time to regret your past resistance and correct your attitude. Self-discipline plays a major role. Abuse of authority in the past will have to be confronted and corrected. Ambitions must be tempered with patience and control. Obstacles may challenge your right to the rewards of age and experience, hard work and sacrifice, and the traditions and structures that support your life-style.

Transit SATURN trine natal Venus
Jan 30 through Jan 31 

Those who are older find you very appealing and attractive. Entertain them. Socialize with them. Everyone will benefit in the nicest possible way. Romance, partnership, female relationships, and joint ventures are highly favored during this period. A long-established alliance will benefit in various ways, not the least of which may be because it manages to still exist. If marriage, romance, business partnership, social contact, or friendship is initiated under the present influence, it is certain to have the best chance for longevity and fruitful consequences. Beauty treatments, and decorating, design, or art projects undertaken during this period are likely to have long-lasting and successful results. Social and diplomatic gestures are not apt to be insincere or flimsy. This may be thought of as an excellent period in which to mix business and pleasure.

Transit SATURN sextile natal Moon
Jan 30 through Jan 31 

The people and circumstances likely to be encountered these days provide opportunity to boost your emotional life-- opportunity that can lead to fulfilling a desire, becoming healthier or more physically fit, and establishing better relationships with family members, especially elderly family members. Under this influence benefits are ultimately gained from heeding the wisdom of those who are older and wiser than yourself. Patience is definitely a virtue that pays off. If patience is not normally a part of your personality, it would be in your best interests to temporarily adopt this approach. Another opportunity in your current circumstances may arise as a direct result of your careful work and patience in the past.

Transit MARS conjoined natal Sun
Jan 30 through Jan 31 

During this period you experience a surge of vitality--a stronger identification with so-called male energy. Your inner determination becomes stronger, and ego gratification is the guiding force behind many of your physical actions. You energetically go after things or people in a number of ways depending on the circumstances. Under this influence, your actions may result in an act of great courage, aggressive push to get ahead, enthusiastic endorsement, or demonstration in one form or another of your integrity and principles. You either encounter physical challenges or purposely initiate direct confrontations and competitive or risky situations. You may be well able and willing to physically handle whatever comes along during this period (or at least believe that you can) but take care that your actions and activities do not strain your heart or spine or result in sunburn or injuries to your head or face.

Transit SUN conjoined natal Sun
Jan 30 through Feb 1, exact on Jan 30 

Congratulations! It is the beginning of another birthday year for you. Since the planetary patterns influencing your life and affairs will be different in any given year you do not always have the same feelings and attitudes every time your birthday rolls around. No matter what the circumstances happen to be however, you can take advantage of the positive potential of each birthday by making it a special time for renewing inner energy and vitality, and your faith in yourself as an individual. Reflect on what the past has taught, look forward to where you would like to be in the future, and above all, adopt the attitude and determination that you will meet and overcome every challenge that the future holds.

Transit MERCURY sextile natal Uranus
Jan 30 through Feb 1, exact on Jan 31 

The information, ideas, and communications that come your way during this period represent possible opportunities that will allow you to either demonstrate or acquire some unique or special talent or knowledge. Other opportunities you should watch for under this influence include the chance to acquire or use technical expertise and sociological skills, to travel in some unusual capacity or to an unusual place, or become involved in the finances or newsletters of an organization or club. One of the most interesting prospects is that your success under this favorable influence, is apt to result not so much because of how well you fit in with a group or society, but simply because you are not in synch with everyone else or have a nontraditional attitude or approach to things.

Transit VENUS sextile natal Neptune
Jan 30 through Feb 1, exact on Jan 31 

Opportunity to acquire a glamorous image or to wrap yourself in an aura of mystery may come along. Under this influence you may find yourself mystified by or strangely attracted to people or things of great beauty. Take advantage of opportunities that encourage your imagination. Allow yourself to be inspired, or take advantage of a chance to be inspiring to others. Let romantic encounters or social settings act as a means of enhancing your awareness and sensitivity to the subtleties of human relationships.

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