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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Mercury Retrograde Ended on Sept 17, BUT...

We've been in Mercury Retrograde since Aug 20th. We will remain for @10 days in the "Storm" until 9/22. Think of a weather cold front approaching and meeting a warm front. The winds blow, there are storms with electrical discharges, tornados and general atmospheric excitement. Me rx has been occurring in the sign Virgo. From Making the Gods Work For You by Caroline W. Casey "Traditionally, Virgo is the critic, the analyst, the healer who cure's society's ills by reintroducing standards of quality and purity into culture." How has this effected our experience with this retrograde? Most Humanist Astrologers advise us to retreat into our lives. To access our growth inwardly, to reflect. To not act outwardly by signing contracts and put on hold the purchase of electrical equipment (ruled by Mercury) and to be very clear with our communications (ruled by Mercury), and then double check, limit communications (how do we do that in todays world!). Add these cautions to the Virgoan tendencies mentioned by Casey. Virgo is ruled by Mercury. Look at our personal charts. How do the degrees of the Mercury rx aspect our Natal planets, what House(s) does it occur in. Wholistically combine all these ingredients. Accent the oppositions, the conjunctions, trines, etc. to come to a more complete understanding of this transit on us. Consult a well regarded professional Astrologer or take classes to learn more.
One of my experiences with this Mercury Retro was as I was planning my evacuation for Hurricane Earl my Mac crashed. I looked at my screen slowly disintegrate into a whirling snowy black and white scene. Then.......... black screen. Perfect! I called Apple, my contract had ended. I called my local techy. He told me he could help me go through some steps and to bring it in if his telephone communications weren't effective. I got off the phone with him the morning of the night Earl was projected by science (Virgo) to hit the NC coast. It still had not turned right going north up the coast skimming the Outer Banks, 60 miles north of where I live. It was headed strait at my hearth! "I'm outa here!" I was so convinced my 4+ year old Mac had bit the dust I left it behind. The next morning I awoke in my motel refuge in Dunne, NC and saw Earl had turned, leaving my area virtually unscathed and drove the 90 miles home. I arrived home and unpacked. "Well it won't hurt to turn the computer on just to see if", I thought (Mercury). "Perhaps its conditon was like Earl, illusion leading to delusion". Sure enough, desktop opened succinctly (Virgo), browser opened sweeeetly (Venus)!? This Mercury retro was sextiling my Venus. Its been working like it was built to do since. Mercury retro was conjuncting my Saturn (teacher, authority(s), and squared my Sun, Moon, Ascendent, Mercury and Chiron. Like I wrote earlier in this paragraph "One of my experiences with this Mercury Retro". No more on those. I'm going to quietly observe the "storm" in awe.

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