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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

minimal installation
as the Sun re-emerges and the daylight hours increase helping to rapidly melt away the heavy snows and cold we've experienced. the installation begins to reveal the color natural Earth pigments; red, yellow & blue, that I set upon a thin layer of ice/snow on day 1 of the installation, 1/17/15...
by the end of the 48th day remaining red, yellow and blue pigments merging with the surface are sheltered by a last year's Pin Oak leaf, sheltering for/with the intense Cosmic energies; X Solar flare, tUr cj tMars in Aries sq tPluto in Capricorn and whatever other revelations we must face as individuals within a complex/simple environment ...

~be conscious of being grounded for the next few days, signatures direct us to avoid anger, war and harmful mishaps and to go deeply in healing our selves past and present as we prepare to CoCreate our future with Love and Peace... Be strong, secure and well~
as the Oak leaf blew away with the winds exposing that the color pigments no longer appear upon the "ground" surface. 
with the 52 day processional the pigments were reintegrated with the ground and will help to re mineralize the soil with their individual strengths...

day 49

day 50

day 51

day 52

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