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Friday, December 29, 2023

 works with backyardstudiogallery 12/29/23

local circle Fire charcoal with stone, Water, Fire, Earth, Air and Universe
Sturgeon Pool
Wallkill River
Rifton NY

Red macro marking from above with most of NorthEast rivers I’ve drawn from their headwaters to their confluences…

Canvasback leave cove Crows songbirds 44 with some fog clouded with drizzle aftermath flooding rains Rosendale Rondout Creek site underwater Dashville Dam gushing draining Waters from South torrentials NJ headwaters…

∆ ∆ ∆
activating creativity
clearing daybreak
Water reserves

Elements are Life
Love Peace CoCreativity...

art with Earth blog, charcoal, collaborative with Nature, eco-environmental land art, fractals, quantum field, webh

please consider a contribution toward the river, stone & charcoal installation markings project.. I'm seeking support & contributions through Patreon to continue with project...

with over 2,000 miles drawn/marked, over 580 sites drawn/marked along 31 rivers and creeks and with over 200 cities/towns with 7 Eastern US states since 7/27/16…

Tuesday, December 26, 2023


local circle Fire charcoal with stone, Water, Air, Fire, Earth & Universe
Perrine’s Bridge
Wallkill River
Esopus NY

Red macro marking from above with most of NorthEast rivers I’ve drawn from their headwaters to their confluences…

Moon full with Cancer December 26, 2023 7:33 PM EST

patchy dense fog blankets 37’ quiet Canada Geese Canvasbacks Crow call songbirds Blue Jay welcomes muffled…

∆ ∆ ∆
nurturing resources
expanded dreams
waning Waters

Elements are Life
Love Peace CoCreativity is…

blog,charcoal,collaborative with Nature,eco-environmental land art,fractals,quantum field, webh

consider a contribution toward the river, stone & charcoal installation markings project.. I'm seeking support & contributions through Patreon to continue with this project and my other projects...
Thankyou all enjoy the Wholidays!

with over 2,000 miles drawn/marked, over 580 sites drawn/marked along 31 rivers and creeks and with over 200 cities/towns with 7 Eastern US states since 7/27/2016...

Sunday, December 24, 2023


works with backyardstudiogallery 12/24/23

Saturday, December 23, 2023






local circle Fire charcoal with stone, Water, Air, Fire, Earth & Uni verse
Black Creek
John Burroughs Nature Sanctuary
 Esopus NY

Red macro marking from above with most of NorthEast rivers I’ve drawn from their headwaters to their confluences…

Winter Solstice Sun/Capricorn December 21 2023 10:27 PM EST
Moon full with Cancer December 26, 2023 7:33 PM EST

Rabbit songbirds sounding icy 27 degree overcast overhead here…

∆ ∆ ∆
reassessing justice
receding freeze
Water rounded

Elements are Life
Love Peace CoCreativity...

art with Earth blog, charcoal, collaborative with Nature, eco-environmental land art, fractals, quantum field, webh

please consider a contribution with the Wholidays toward the river, stone & charcoal installation markings project.. I'm seeking support & contributions through Patreon to continue with project...

with over 2,000 miles drawn/marked, over 580 sites drawn/marked along 31 rivers and creeks and with over 200 cities/towns with 7 Eastern US states since 7/27/2016...

Thursday, December 21, 2023



Winter Solstice Sun/Capricorn December 21 2023 10:27 PM EST

Tillson NY


and a new year awakes, sleeping seeds germinate...

~ Be ~


wall is supported by 8 ∞ live saplings cut at a 10' height..trimmed orbed atop the posts have budded... I started cutting 4/20/16 after many months of being with the site/space and the basic wall concept that preceded the present turmoil with our border with Mexico… walls we build within ourselves and others has been around for me since crib time I'll assume and reading Robert Frost with elementary school... 
wall marks transitional states...


there are another 8 ∞ live woody Liana (vine) sp. that I've cut back from about 14' above ground...  they grew to the tops of an elder Eastern Hemlock Tsuga canadensis on the left and an elder Silver Maple Acer saccharinum on the right, each 2' in diameter… I've bound, and drawn, with the trimmed Liana giving support to the wall and providing line, shape line and form to the wall with their freshly pruned new growth. the wall will provide a new dynamic to the S<>N West side property fence already in place helping to provide structural support with it's metal grid construct. the wall will provide habitat for birds, insects and other critters as well provide a wind and an energy break with the homeowners' fire pit area about 30' East of the wall. more of the remaining undergrowth will be cut away with some being used in creating the wall. More will be added with it as it develops and the homeowner, their family and friends will participate creatively with wall adding pots, pans, cups and color glass bottles, bed stand, anything wood, metal, stone, plants, cloth, feathers, etc. and free passage to the other side ...


search "wall" with earlier wall posts...


Elements are Life

Love, Peace & CoCreativity...



art with Earth blog, bioenergetics, charcoal, collaborative with Nature, eco-environmental land art, fractals, webh

Wednesday, December 20, 2023


local circle Fire charcoal with stone, Water, Fire, Earth, Air and Universe
Sturgeon Pool
Wallkill River
Rifton NY

Red macro marking from above with most of NorthEast rivers I’ve drawn from their headwaters to their confluences…

Winter Solstice Sun/Capricorn December 21 2023 10:27 PM EST

Black Creek, Wallkill River/Esopus and Rondout Creek/Rosendale sites underwater and here partially underwater with heavy rain runoff from their Southern headwaters low temp 24 bright clear Sun light Canvasbacks breakfast dives Robins chirp Sparrow pair play Junco feed Squirrel several roads flooded…

∆ ∆ ∆
restless Waters
edgy boundaries
sure footings

Elements are Life
Love Peace CoCreativity...

art with Earth blog, charcoal, collaborative with Nature, eco-environmental land art, fractals, quantum field, webh

please consider a contribution toward the river, stone & charcoal installation markings project.. I'm seeking support & contributions through Patreon to continue with project...

with over 2,000 miles drawn/marked, over 580 sites drawn/marked along 31 rivers and creeks and with over 200 cities/towns with 7 Eastern US states since 7/27/16…

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

works with backyardstudiogallery 12/19/23

Sunday, December 17, 2023

local circle Fire charcoal with stone, Water, Fire, Earth, Air and Universe
Sturgeon Pool
Wallkill River
Rifton NY

Red macro marking from above with most of NorthEast rivers I’ve drawn from their headwaters to their confluences…

storms approaching assuredly darkened cloud covering quieting 40 degree distant Crows cawing Canvasback female swims directly up Pool with two male following crisscrossing her wake remaining Robins sing…

∆ ∆ ∆
determined directives
perspectives change
echoing calm

Elements are Life
Love Peace CoCreativity...

art with Earth blog, charcoal, collaborative with Nature, eco-environmental land art, fractals, quantum field, webh

please consider a contribution toward the river, stone & charcoal installation markings project.. I'm seeking support & contributions through Patreon to continue with project...

with over 2,000 miles drawn/marked, over 580 sites drawn/marked along 31 rivers and creeks and with over 200 cities/towns with 7 Eastern US states since 7/27/16…

Friday, December 15, 2023


works with backyardstudiogallery 12/14/23