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Monday, March 4, 2013

cooling flowering dogwood & setting March Sun 
Feel and Be, its free to look and learn with the healing environment all around us and allow your/ourself to heal with the seasons...
spend time preparing your/our medicines
spend money on a health care provider who practices with the Earth's gifts...

 I've doctored/edited the photo to express the energetic spirit of the Flowering Dogwood in its' application with healing. Its an expression of doctrine of signature and/or plant spirit medicine qualities. Flowering Dogwood as an herbal has been used as an astringent, febrifuge, stimulant and tonic. It's inner bark has been shown effective in decoction or tincture for Malaria and other fevers and has been internally applied as a substitute for Quinine. Externally it can be applied to hot or feverish sores and/or lesions in decoction, oil, salve and/or tincture forms. True Flower Essences and Essential Oils would have similar properties. 
Some American Indian tribes used the twigs/branches as toothbrushes. They were noted to have very white and clean teeth! No doubt, being the qualities of the plant.

Bach Flower remedies lists as;
Positive qualities:
Grace-filled movement, physical and etheric harmony.
Patterns of imbalance:Awkward and painful awareness of the body; emotional trauma stored deep within the body.

When we say that a soul is filled with grace, we are referring to a particular fullness and flexibility of the etheric body, the most immediate sheath which surrounds the physical body. If there is repeated violation to the body-either through physical or sexual abuse, or by very harsh physical and materialistic living circumstances-the etheric body shrivels, and consequently the physical body hardens.

The soul suffers greatly from an inability to live properly within the physical-etheric body. The emotions can become hardened, and the body is felt as awkward and ungainly. Quite often such a person unconsciously repeats earlier patterns of degradation by choosing abusive relationships or exhibiting self-destructive tendencies.

The beautiful Dogwood flower essence helps to expand the etheric body and soften the physical body. The individual is able to feel more gentleness and inner sanctity, as the soul regains its state of grace through harmonious communion with the life or etheric body.

- from the 'Flower Essence Repertory', by Patricia Kaminsky and Richard Katz. The most comprehensive and user-friendly flower essence book we've found. Highly recommended for any practitioner."

In my search for a Flowering Dogwood Essential Oil I found only oils named Flowering Dogwood or Dogwood that contained combinations of other herbal essential oils without any Dogwood in them. The manufacturers were using the name Dogwood or Flowering Dogwood only. I would advise caution here. Perhaps the best solution would be to make your own or find a "kitchen Essential Oil/EO maker" you know personally with integrity.

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