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Monday, August 8, 2011

new work

beginning of new work on 22" x 30" Khadi paper 210 weight. "Randomly" torn and "randomly" selected pieces of Khadi paper are laid on the base sheet and wheat pasted to the foundation layer of paper. "Randomly" torn and selected? "I" directed this process in terms of tearing the approximate shape and size but the tear has more to due with gravity and the material of the Khadi paper's physics. Who made that paper? What had they experienced up until that point of pouring the liquified recycled cotton rags to form the sheets. Does random as we understand it truly even exist? I also orchestrated laying the pieces in grid like fashion. My projection was to create an unmathemetical grid. A random? grid. Can mathematics define "random"? Mathematics is in itself finite. Is that for now a philosophic and theological regard? These disciplines can overlap, but is there a point where they can be whole?
The torn pieces first layer of color is green, then blue, then will come violet. My direction according to the spectrum order. Rainbow observations or human creation? We have eyes to see. Base layer red, orange then "I" will yellow. Using white to edge base with torn pieces. Overall violet red layer will be drawn over the whole. Where did it come from? Where will it go? How will it be perceived? The source is. The pro(g)(c)ess is. The result is. I/We/You are.
The process is my meditative action until you pick up a marker and create. This "finished" piece an observatory and meditative experience with I/We/You.

...four hours later...

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