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Friday, June 21, 2024

local circle Fire charcoal with stone, Water, Air, Fire, Earth & Ethers

Black Creek

John Burroughs Nature Sanctuary

Esopus NY


map shows East - West relationship with Black Creek confluence Hudson River site and triangle Rifton/Esopus/Rosendale... 

Full Moon/1°07” Capricorn” 9:08 PM EDT 6/21/24

 Summer Solstice Sun enters Cancer June 20 2024 4:51 PM EDT

71° Sun rising Red Fox Deer Rabbit songbirds Water levels down with successive days 90s° mostly clear sky Hawk calls surrounding Groundhog Red burning orb Coltsfoot Tussilago farfara Arrowroot Sagittaria latifolia grasses trees sky surround…

∆  ∆   

inner <> outer

power shifts 

placements settle

Elements Elements are Life

Love, Peace & CoCreativity...

art with Earth blog, charcoal, collaborative with Nature, eco-environmental land art, fractals, webh

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