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Thursday, June 6, 2024

local circle Fire charcoal with stone, Water, Air, Fire, Earth & Universe

Rondout Creek

Rosendale NY


map Triangles Esopus, Rosendale, Rifton & Esopus

New Moon/Gemini 6/6/24 6:36 AM EDT

light rain clouded 69F song birds Rabbit Red Wing Blackbird greeting dozen Ducks separately grouped 2 - 3 fly West with Creek Japanese Knotweed grasses fish jump Barred Owl hoots…

∆ ∆ ∆

calming tensions

lightening recesses

centering structures

Elements are Life

Love Peace CoCreativity is…

blog,charcoal,collaborative with Nature,eco-environmental land art, fractals, quantum field, webh

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