local circle Fire charcoal with stone, Water, Air, Fire, Earth & quantum field
Wallkil River NY
∆ ∆ ∆
sweet practicality
Mercury Directs with Virgo 10/2/2022
triangle is a most stable of forms and can represent symbolically matter, non matter and the forces that move them, as well as other classical trilogies... working with the stone markings locally along Roundout Creek with High Falls NY, Rosendale NY and Kingston NY and Wallkill River from Tillson and Rifton NY to Ulster Park NY… the two rivers conjoin with Ulster Park and NE the river conjoins with Kingston NY and with Hudson River… I’ve now realized with mapping and have drawn this Green lined triangle connecting the points with the Charcoal, Stone and Water sites along Roundout and Wallkill… the Red dot is where I live, my Heart(h), from center out and in… my two daughters were home births along Wallkill, one with Tillson/Rosendale and one with St Remy/Rfiton...
I’m working more with the symbolism of the inclined triangle with Heart(h) as the universal feminine & masculine principles… as with Yoni with female principle and triangle representing the universal male principle, or Lingham… yin<>yang, female<>male<>etheric energies that moves them... The symbols are metaphors with the land and space… triangle flames light our ways...
Elements are Life
Love Peace CoCreativity...
art with Earth blog, charcoal, collaborative with Nature, eco-environmental land art, fractals, quantum field, webh
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