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Saturday, December 31, 2022

local circle Fire charcoal with stone, Water, Air, Fire, Earth & Ethers

Black Creek

John Burroughs Nature Sanctuary

Esopus NY


with Black Creek where Beaver work/play this past Summer 7/13 (c&p)... ice form "mimicking" stone' form tells of Water flow/waves... ice cycle encircling Water levels receding, Beaver don't hibernate, they store Winter food in or near shelter of lodges or embankments

Mercury/8˚ Capricorn retrograde December 29th and redirecting January 18th... Sun, Venus and Pluto/Capricorn...

∆ ∆ ∆

repairs with

directional changes

seasons matter


post from 7/13/2022 (c&p)

finishing photo journaling marking/drawing I noticed Beaver crossing the creek pool from left right and got these two shots before Beaver slapped it's tail, crack!, and dove... stillness followed and with less than a couple minutes Beaver resurfaced and slowly swam approaching me zigzagging from side of pond to the other to within 20', swam by and hung out for awhile while I sat silently, watching each other with awed respect... we looked into each others eyes, trusting with our personal space... after a while, like Beaver I went back to my morning work with thanks and connection... Beaver are nocturnal and communal, was this Beaver their night watcher, staying up late, or sleep deprived?...

Black Creek 3rd site with 3 stone markings with Ducks, Duck Weed, fish, Water Spiders and many insects and Beaver... drawn with West border John Burroughs Nature Sanctuary, a US nature essayist (1837 - 1921) with tradition of Henry David Thoreau and Walt Whitman, built his "Slabsides" cabin with nature and with writing, visiting friends and with selling his fruit and Celery to NYC markets...

"...wild land around Slabsides, which Burroughs named “Whitman Land” after poet and close friend Walt Whitman who visited Burroughs at his home several times, informed many of his essays.  Through works written here about nature close at hand, John Burroughs inspired generations of readers to head out-of-doors, and national leaders to preserve land and its wildlife. ..." -

“Look underfoot. You are always nearer to the true sources of your power than you think. The lure of the distant and the difficult is deceptive. The great opportunity is where you are. Don't despise your own place and hour. Every place is the center of the world.”

"Joy in the universe, and keen curiosity about it all - that has been my religion."

"I stand amid the eternal ways" John Burroughs

∆ ∆ ∆

facing fears

stone trianglesong

meaning-full arrangements


Elements are Life
Love, Peace & CoCreativity...

art with Earth blog, charcoal, collaborative with Nature, eco-environmental land art, fractals, webh

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