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Friday, April 16, 2021

local circle Fire charcoal with stone, Water, Air and Earth...

Roundout Creek

High Falls NY



∆ ∆ ∆





 following 3 marking days with Sturgeon Pool/Wallkill River... marking days are every third day, a time ∆...

time with High Falls and Low Falls are "well" spent with a doubled ozone coming off the falls... much of the public access has been shut down; a drowning, loud music and large crowds trashing the area with garbage not carried out... it's been kept up nicely recently and is open to acoustic music, small groups masked and no swimming... just with the last few years I've been working this area there is less, much less, public access to our Water ways... 

 ..."The name “ozone” is derived from the Greek word “ozein” which means “to smell”. Ozone is a bluish, water-soluble gas with a distinctive smell. The use of Ozone leaves no toxic by-products or residues and is non-carcinogenic. Ozone occurs naturally in the environment. In nature, oxygen is released from plants and sea plankton during photosynthesis. Oxygen floats upward into the atmosphere and in turn is converted into ozone by ultraviolet radiation.

This blocks out the harmful UV b rays that cause skin cancer. The production of ozone is dependent on the amount of the sun’s energy. This helps explain the shortage of ozone over the poles in the winter months when there is a lack of sunshine. Ozone, being heavier than air, is carried in downdrafts into the lower atmosphere. As the ozone falls it oxidizes any pollutant or contaminate with which it comes into contact, turning it into a safer compound.

If ozone comes into contact with water vapor during storms it forms hydrogen peroxide. This is why plants flourish better with rainwater than with irrigation water. This is natures way of cleaning our environment. “Natural” ozone concentrations can vary between .01 ppm to .05 ppm, depending on geographic location, altitude and season.

The cycle of oxygen and ozone is just like the cycle of water in nature. Ozone is also created by waterfalls, the oceans’ surf and during thunder and lighting storms with concentration levels triple the allowable limit, as set by EPA."...,triple%20the%20allowable%20limit%2C%20as%20set%20by%20EPA.

Elements are Life

Love, Peace & CoCreativity...

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