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Sunday, May 24, 2015

awakening from Winter dream
planters mineralize
chakra singing
natural Earth pigments on garden ground

22˚ - 25˚ and 29˚ Taurus
@2' x 5'

with this installation I added one color on each successive day marked with the Sun’s astronomical/astrological placement. beginning with charcoal I made with Willow Salix alba, Red, Orange & Yellow ochres and Green, Blue, Violet and White Earth pigments… the photo journaling continues now with documenting the process of Earth re-membering the pigments and with remineralizing the garden space physically and energetically… as a full spectrum color mineral concentrate it will be blended with this year’s compostings and spread with intention into the garden soil here in Tillson, NY, with the winds, the draining waters and its’ vibrational sync with our healing Universe it will align with cyclic nature’s Spring's way…

due to my being away photos of 26˚ - 28˚ were not taken...

the end with this photo journaling of "awakening from Winter dream" and the peas

look great as they mature for the dinner table ...

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