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Saturday, September 7, 2013

"Dock and the Apple Tree"

3 mother Turkey and their charge of 15 - 16 (presently) have been grazing, roosting in the Pines and community schooling each other in the yard. They neither seem to be fearful of the installation and graze and weave in and about it... Welcome Turkey enThanks!

an overview is shot from the deck of the house approximately 6’ above the higher ground plane of the piece.

a mid Lammas  (late Summer for those who follow the 4 season system) NE seasonal cocreative and collaborative with Nature installation “Dock and the Apple Tree” is 30’ in length , the Rumex stalks are 15” to 30” in height. the line plays upon the outer rim of a semicircular concave disc of the ground plane that the Apple Tree is centered within. an area of lower growing vegetation lay beyond the Apple Tree. it creates forms and shapes reinforcing the circular forms and lines with the piece. toward the NW the ground plane flattens and extends out to the wood’s edge over 100’ away. further to the West is an ovular garden highlighted by tall grasses, Hydrangea and lower perennials. another circular is formed by the dirt/stone path of the driveway. to the East and South are extended lawns and more bordering woods. the mown lawn, driveway space and the perpendicular vegetation help to define the entirety of the piece with the ground, horizontally and vertically, and into the skies’ constantly changing spatial atmosphere.
the line drawn with the Docks, Curly/Yellow Rumex crispus, is pervious and does not physically extend to other forms, it is implied by the eye as it picks up other lines and forms in the overall landscape. the red/purple/orange colors of Yellow/Curly Dock seed heads play with the greens/blues and yellows complimentarily. the line of Docks lay on the NW arc of the semi circle around the Apple Tree and connect visually with the entire landscape.

these next shots taken from the Four Directions were taken 8/30/13

“Dock and the Apple Tree” from the East

“Dock and the Apple Tree” from the South

“Dock and the Apple Tree” shot from the West

“Dock and the Apple Tree” shot from the North
heavy rains during the night two days after I installed the Dock seed heads lay some of the stalks down on the ground changing the character expression of its lines under the tree. falling apples (fruit/seed) assist in the lay down and with a vertical to horizontal movement.

9/1/13 with the South toward North

and on 9/5/13 with the North perspective toward the South
a small stand of blossoming Motherwort Monarca cardiaca at the base of the Apple Tree is seen clearly in this photo and accents the lineality with the Dock and the Apple Tree. 

bright clear days see shadow play with the geometrics of the installation. colder temps; last night’s 40˚  temps, down from low 60˚s during the rains of the weekend and daytime high in the 70˚s came down low 60˚s and 50˚s at night have broken down cellulose and cold snapped seeds and branches to the Earth. I have also noticed unidentified small seed eating birds’ feeding on the seeds from their perch in the Apple Tree. this activity creates lively lines and form, activating the relationships.
the environment, all, micro and macro cosmically play with the installation and with our own personal perspectives with it…

and from the North toward the South Sun Rays and Light Orbs infused magical light energetics with the “Dock and the Apple Tree installation as I begin to set in place my trip back to Wilmington, NC
for the warmth of the Sun.......................

9/10 the line of Docks fall and disperse more creating changes with new lineal and formatic concepts.
the entire environment evolves; mushrooms to the left and the apples' color and density. light rays with
photo juxtapose with the tree trunks, accenting the "Fall".

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