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Monday, September 16, 2024

deck-less charcoal markings


Tillson NY

30” x 48”

9/4/2, 9/6 - 9/14/24, 9/16/24

Sunday, September 15, 2024

local circle Fire charcoal with stone, Water, Air, Fire, Earth & Cosmos

Black Creek

John Burroughs Nature Sanctuary

Esopus NY


map shows East - West relationship with Black Creek confluence Hudson River site and triangle Rifton/Esopus/Rosendale... 

partially eclipsed super Full Moon 25° 41” with Pisces 10:45 PM EDT 9/15, 2024

falling leaves 58° clear with some fog 6:37 AM EDT Sun rising songbirds Rabbit Water Spiders a winged tonal by my ear Doe with Fawn White Horse two Goats…

∆ ∆ ∆ 

stable reality

waves touch

dreams reveal

Elements Elements are Life

Love, Peace & CoCreativity...

art with Earth blog, charcoal, collaborative with Nature, eco-environmental land art, fractals, webh


Saturday, September 14, 2024


deck-less charcoal markings


Tillson NY

30” x 48”

9/4/2, 9/6 - 9/14/24


works with backyardstudiogallery


Friday, September 13, 2024

deck-less charcoal markings


Tillson NY

30” x 48”

9/4/2, 9/6 - 9/13/24

deck-less charcoal markings


Tillson NY

30” x 48”

9/4/2, 9/6 - 9/12/24

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


deck-less charcoal markings


Tillson NY

30” x 48”

9/4/2, 9/6 - 9/11/24

local circle Fire charcoal with stone, Water, Fire, Earth, Air and Universe

Sturgeon Pool
Wallkill River 
Rifton NY

map: Sturgeon Pool-Black Creek/JBNS-Esopus-Rosendale triangles/rhombus map shows East - West relationship with Black Creek/John Burroughs site and triangle Rifton/Esopus/Rosendale…

songbirds Fish Great Blue Heron mist rise Loon rises and dives with 47° clear Sun Bald Eagle soars around landing high aloft with Pine bough Canada Geese…

∆ ∆ ∆
structural rise
lofty scale
spiral daybreak

Elements are Life

Love Peace CoCreativity is…

blog,charcoal,collaborative with Nature,eco-environmental land art, fractals, quantum field, webh…

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


deck-less charcoal markings


Tillson NY

30” x 48”

9/4/2, 9/6 - 9/10/24

Monday, September 9, 2024

deck-less charcoal markings


Tillson NY

30” x 48”

9/4/2, 9/6 - 9/9/24


works with backyardstudiogallery


Sunday, September 8, 2024


deck-less charcoal markings


Tillson NY

30” x 48”

9/4/2, 9/6-9/8/24

Saturday, September 7, 2024

deck-less charcoal markings


Tillson NY

30” x 48”

9/4/2, 9/6-9/7/24


local circle Fire charcoal with stone, Water, Air, Fire, Earth & Universe

Rondout Creek

Rosendale NY


map Triangles<>Rhomboid Esopus\Perrines Bridge (S), Rosendale (W), Rifton Sturgeon Pool (N) & Esopus/Burroughs Black Creek (E)

Mercury with Virgo 9/9/24

Crickets steady dawn mostly cloudy 58° fish jump Ducks Bald Eagle Great Blue Heron fly East along Rondout Loon breakfasts Canada Geese Squirrel

∆ ∆ ∆

calming tempos

dreaming softens

awakening colors

Elements are Life

Love Peace CoCreativity is…

blog,charcoal,collaborative with Nature,eco-environmental land art, fractals, quantum field, webh

Friday, September 6, 2024


deck-less charcoal markings


Tillson NY

30” x 48”

9/4/2, 9/6/24…

Thursday, September 5, 2024

health update; had my last intercranial angiogram this morning to see how things are healing and it looks good! no more blood thinner! and don’t have to see the good doctor until next Spring… he went in through my arm and not the groin for video so I’m home and through  with this three year odyssey… 


Thanks with All…

Wednesday, September 4, 2024


deck-less charcoal markings


Tillson NY

30” x 48”



works with backyardstudiogallery



local circle Fire charcoal with stone, Water, Air, Fire, Earth & Universe

Perrine’s Bridge

Wallkill River

Esopus NY


map Triangles<>Rhomboid Esopus\Perrines Bridge (S), Rosendale (W), Rifton Sturgeon Pool (N) & Esopus/Burroughs Black Creek (E)

48° clear chill with Wallkill mist rising Great Blue Heron flies East toward Sun slicing through fog mist above fish jumps…

∆ ∆ ∆

stone lines

balancing connections

shapes shifting

Elements are Life

Love Peace CoCreativity is…

blog,charcoal,collaborative with Nature,eco-environmental land art, fractals, quantum field, webh

Sunday, September 1, 2024


local circle Fire charcoal with stone, Water, Air, Fire, Earth & Ethers

Black Creek

John Burroughs Nature Sanctuary

Esopus NY


map shows East - West relationship with Black Creek confluence Hudson River site and triangle Rifton/Esopus/Rosendale... 

New Moon with Virgo  9/2, 2024, 9:56 PM EDT

2 Deer single songbird may be Cardinal 2 Deer 1Deer Canada Geese with clouded 68° stillness…

∆ ∆ ∆ 

intertwined spaces

holding darkness

light touches

Elements Elements are Life

Love, Peace & CoCreativity...

art with Earth blog, charcoal, collaborative with Nature, eco-environmental land art, fractals, webh