deck-less charcoal markings
Tillson NY
30” x 48”
9/4/2, 9/6 - 9/14/24, 9/16/ - 11/6/24
environmental land artist collaborating with Earth pigments, plant materials, Earth elements and environmental energetics... please visit me with Facebook, all contributions are appreciated, visit and think about being a patron... with over 30 years experience I also offer wellness council with people and their diet/herbs, exercise and lifestyle choices... Thanks, and Be Well...
deck-less charcoal markings
Tillson NY
30” x 48”
9/4/2, 9/6 - 9/14/24, 9/16/ - 11/6/24
deck-less charcoal markings
Tillson NY
30” x 48”
9/4/2, 9/6 - 9/14/24, 9/16/ - 11/5/24
local circle Fire charcoal with stone, Water, Air, Fire, Earth & Universe
Perrine’s Bridge
Wallkill River
Esopus NY
constricting low Water drought mostly cloudy 6:31 AM EDT 47° Sun rising with Carolina Wren 5 Canada Geese lifting flight 2 Swans serenely afloat songbirds Blue Jays call Crows fly cawing…
∆ ∆ ∆
Waters ebb
ground exposed
relative patterns
Elements are Life
Love Peace CoCreativity is…
blog,charcoal,collaborative with Nature,eco-environmental land art, fractalsy, quantum field, webh
deck-less charcoal markings
Tillson NY
30” x 48”
9/4/2, 9/6 - 9/14/24, 9/16/ - 11/4/24
deck-less charcoal markings
Tillson NY
30” x 48”
9/4/2, 9/6 - 9/14/24, 9/16/ - 11/3/24
deck-less charcoal markings
Tillson NY
30” x 48”
9/4/2, 9/6 - 9/14/24, 9/16/ - 11/2/24