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Saturday, July 6, 2019

seasonal liberating passages 1

days 1 - 72 Earth Ochre pigments, wheat paste/Water, beeswax with cardboard with no underpainting with Earth 23" x 23" June Tillson NY with emptying and letting go of a rental storage unit I found mice, mold and other life forms were trying to survive over the cold Winter with munching several paintings... of six of the artworks 4 had underpainting from earlier with my art discoverings, the other two did not ... I lay the work out with Earth to allow another entropic process occurrings and have been photo journaling the changings as seasonal liberating passages ... as I let go with each webh, or CoCreative weaving we experienced together, and as we enfold with new levels and connections of our beings... forms changing within forms become seasonal liberating passages... passages and pathways change rapidly with Spring weather here with the Northeast US... with Saturn and Pluto conjunct the Moon's South Node retrograding with Capricorn our deep and structured past becomes workable with allowing opening to our shadow and its' structures... we can rework them in the now to reestablish how and where we want them to grow... digging and turning over the Earth, planting seed and setting out young plants in our real or metaphorical garden is a physical sense with this concept... reworking old thinking patterns that no longer serve our growth is another, more psychological and spiritual sensibility and may with a nudge amy be our gateway with kind understanding for now, as well ness... Love & Peace with CoCreativity Elements are Life

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