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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

coming down Paint Mountain
charcoal from local circle fire, stone, vegetation and Earth cosmologies
Cherokee National Forest
Paint Rock TN

the yellow lichen on the surface of the rock that I work with here appears to be a Pleopsidium … some yellow lichens are used with treatment with jaundice and alcohol related liver diseases...

"Lichens have been nicknamed "natures pioneer" because they can colonize bare rock and are usually first to establish on newly exposed surfaces. Some even have the capability to speed up the weathering process by producing an acid that breaks down rocks and helps form soil. Soil formation is extremely slow and takes not decades but centuries for the rocky substrate to breakdown. The rocks and minerals where they make their home vary in texture, chemical composition, and water holding capacity.The park is comprised mostly of metamorphic and granite rocks. The rock lichens you find here are often adapted to colonization on these types of rocks."

Pleopsidium is typically found on the surface of vertical rocks.

Love, Peace & CoCreativity
Water is Life

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