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Thursday, November 16, 2017

Delaware River
Stockton NJ
circle Fire charcoal, stone, vegetation & Water & Earth

The sixty-mile-long Delaware Canal is part of this great network. Completed in 1832, it runs from Bristol to Easton, where it connects with the Lehigh Canal. The primary purpose of these two waterways was to transport anthracite coal from the northeastern Pennsylvania coal regions to the cities on the eastern seaboard. In the most productive years just prior to the Civil War, over 3,000 mule-drawn boats traveled up and down this route, moving over one million tons of coal a year. Smaller quantities of goods such as lumber, building stone, lime, and produce were also carried.

Sun 24˚Scorpio exact qunx rUranus 25˚ Aries exact trine rChiron 24˚ Pisces... Moon 3˚ Scorpio (12:00 PM EDT) cj Jupiter 8˚ and Venus 11˚, opp rUranus 25˚ Aries & trine Neptune 11˚ Pisces... Mercury 15˚ Sagittarius sx Mars/Libra & sq rNeptune/Pisces... Venus 11˚ Scorpio cj Jupiter & exact trine rNeptune/Pisces... Mars 15˚ Libra sx Mercury/Sagittarius, qunx rNeptune/11˚ Pisces & sq Pluto 17˚ Capricorn... Jupiter 7˚ Scorpio cj Venus & trine rNeptune 11˚ Pisces... Saturn 26˚ Sagittarius cj Black Moon Lilith 0˚ Sagittarius and exact cj Galactic Center 26˚ Sagittarius, exact trine rUranus & sq rChiron 24˚ Pisces… rUranus Aries 25˚  exact trine Saturn 25˚, trine Galactic Center 26˚ Sagittarius and Black Moon Lilith 0˚/Capricorn... rNeptune 11˚ Pisces trine Moon, Jupiter and Venus/Scorpio & qunx Mars/Libra... Pluto 17˚ Capricorn sq Moon and Mars/Libra… rChiron 24˚ Pisces sq Saturn and Galactic Center...

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