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Monday, November 20, 2017

circle Fire

some circle fires I've come across with the NC and TN Appalacians gathering charcoal 
for drawing with the environment...

a few notes I've made the last couple years on using charcoal from circle and fireplace fires & Willow sp as drawing medium;

I practice making traditional pre and post literal artful markings with the Earth as affirming and collaborating my/our relationship with Earth using charcoal... my work focusses on using small, "homeopathic" doses of cleansing and clearing wood charcoals from local circle fires with the bodies of water, mostly river systems,...

since Spring of 2016 my work focus are post literate markings of cleansing and clearing wood charcoals using home made charcoal from Willow spp., and from local circle and home fires... they are energetic drawings in collaboration with our Nature, Earth and Cosmos...

I am intentfull to do these drawings on public access land or to get permission from landowners to work these drawings. they are often near and photographically in view of historical, institutional, in the news of the day sites and with sacred space as fractal universe… with healing, bringing to a balance, our woundings of past and future crimes against humanity and nature... I use charcoal from fires local to each site... charcoal is elemental with all life and is a filtering and cleansing substance... as that I see my use with it as healing with homeopathic perspective applications and as symbolic energetically... rain, rivers, water, etc. never wash anything away, it transfers it to another location and eventually is absorbed with Earth universe... I collaborate with Earth and its' energetic variations described with Water, Fire, Earth, Air and Ether of our cosmos... 

some references on replenishing soils and waters with charcoal;

 ~ enThanks ~

Sun 28˚ Scorpio qunx rUranus 25˚ Aries & trine rChiron 24˚ Pisces... Moon 22˚ Sagittarius (12:00 PM EDT) cj Mercury/Sag 20˚  sx Mars 18˚ Libra, cj Saturn 26˚ and Galactic Center 26˚ Sagittarius, and Black Moon Lilith 0˚ Cap, tr rUranus 25˚Aries & sq rChiron 24˚ Pisces... Mercury 20˚ Sagittarius cj Moon, sq rChiron 24˚ Pisces & trine rUranus/Aries... Venus 16˚ Scorpio trine rNeptune 11˚ Pisces & sx Pluto17˚ Capricorn... Mars 18˚ Libra sx Moon and Mercury/Sagittarius & sq Pluto 17˚ Capricorn... Jupiter 8˚ Scorpio trine rNeptune 11˚ Pisces... Saturn 26˚ Sagittarius cj Moon/Sag, exact cj Galactic Center 26˚ Sagittarius and cj Black Moon Lilith 0˚ Capricorn, trine rUranus & sq rChiron 25˚ Pisces… rUranus Aries 25˚ qunx Sun, trine Moon/Sag, trine Saturn 26˚, trine Galactic Center 26˚ Sagittarius and Black Moon Lilith 0˚ Capricorn... rNeptune 11˚ Pisces trine Jupiter and Venus/Scorpio & qunx Mars/Libra... Pluto 17˚ Capricorn sq Mars/Libra… rChiron 24˚ Pisces trine Sun/Scorpio, sq Moon and sq Saturn and Galactic Center/Sag...

~ spirited communications within an intimate hearth ~

...Love, Peace & Cocreativity with Universe...
Water is Life

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