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Sunday, February 12, 2017

shifting frequencies
ash & charcoal with Air/Sun/Aquarius farmland vegetation & Earth/Moon/Virgo
Valatie NY

shifting frequencies
ash & charcoal with Turkey tracks, snow, farmland/Moon/Virgo vegetation & Earth
photo area 3' x 5'
Valatie NY

with Sun with the Air sign Aquarius there presents a sense of social collectivity with each and all of us and how we each relate our individuality with the shifting frequencies of the whole... though seeking to maintain our individuality we focus with freeing ourselves from our stagnating and restrictive ways beyond our previous limiting roles in group dynamic... 
and with the Moon with Virgo Earth we feel more secure on this journey outward from a grounded and introspective manner... 
the Turkey lives in harmony with its' community and they have an innate understanding that the land around them sustains nourishment and well being... its' tracks are a written history of their longevity with evolution...
the spirit of these energetics is present with
 all things as the universal fractal expands and contracts...

Ω Stand with Standing Rock Ω
Love, Peace & CoCreativity

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