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Sunday, January 31, 2010

tidal pool calligraphy

cursive writing on the beach!
often photographing for imagery, line and color ideas. How did written alphabet develop? ... an a, å, ∂, ∫, ∞, or s, the zig zag z and the sounds that go with them. The sounds, the ancients say, stimulate our connection energetically with ourselves or to our companion(s) to the sacred, ie., digestion, traffic, birth, or anything we speak of. The ocean is saying to me today "recognize the origin of the mark."

Saturday, January 30, 2010

A wave can begin by an impact on a surface... beginning my blog.

Am working on two series of paintings using a paper made by the Atami peoples of Mexico, Papel de Amate. It's made by pounding the bark of fig tree. Have mounted it with wheat paste on Khadi paper from southern India, put together using recycled cotton clothing by a family there.
Thankyou to them each... and to all the makers of the natural colored beeswax worked into their surface and to the producers of the bamboo rods.
Check out more about my sustainable practice as an artist on my website