Wednesday, November 30, 2022

"found" blackboard art continuum

Elements are Life
Love Peace CoCreativity...

art with Earth blog, charcoal, collaborative with Nature, eco-environmental land art, fractals, webh

11/30 AM & PM

(can read as chrono verse bottom to top)

beginnings and endings mark a day with rain

today I feel a quieting
Earth breathes all in
a large body of Water moves in
leaves and art have decomposed for thousands of years
gratitude for sentience as we celebrate wholidays
Water pool appears with no rain recently squirrel piss
warmer temps expand the area
apart a part
beneath ground hard freezing
15 mph winds make 32˚ feel like 24˚ moving and freezing stillness at once
site temp crispy 37˚ lamb stew on the stove top 
dark wintry clouds whisk by overhead
snow patterns beyond 
predicted snow for the night starts with a few frozen sprinkles
memories appear as pictures
cooling breezes smell like snow
hello, is there any one in there
outer bands Nicole arrive 
when no change is change
breezy leaves whispering
cool comes in fast, 30˚ tonite
dawn will begin eclipsed
temperatures with 70s˚ with rains today and clocks and we back up with a busy Full Lunar eclipse
Hemlock needles lineal drift forms
Oak dropping leaves with today's warm wind layering over fallen Maple leaves
sometimes faces remind us of others we've met
Fall time passages as leaves recover this land
tensions with forms' and liquids' energies
eyes with ancestors with us
"life is about a dream"
it's dark by 6
Sugar Maple above is bare
what cell tower blips do to color fauxtos
orchestration proceeds
it really comes down with the environment
looking for equilibrium and was given this
it warmed up today, 68˚ with Sun
minerals, chemistry and physics cycling back with Earth
compassionate care with dying away
Sugar Maple sheds and lays with sleep
cooling breezes waves rustle changing spaces
dark rainy day cemetery a hundred yards down our dead end street
layered life passages
perhaps tonight will be restfull
an aspect of the whole with each moment and space
falling leaves with rain heavy receding energies
drama leaves with a breeze
speaking with my own rediculaousless is absurd
insects making their way to warm nesting Earth
as we watch it go we Moon dance
dynamism and devitalization cloak wholeness
tiny Maple leaf plays with scale
darkness rains all day tapering off with bone cooling damp
day with remnant bands dark killer storm rains and winds
did you pick up light bulbs?
cool gusty wind and ideas come and go
stillness with communications shifts
we are witness for the young
enliven with Earthly aroma 
life forms changing with seasons attune with rhythms
Auricularia auricula?
now is the time with change around here
the watchers observing changings
Apple pie aroma drifts by
shadows with a continuing roll/role throughout time, space and place
Fall Equinox darkening with life force returning with Earth, this began with Spring Equinox bursting upward
major views with so many fronts
decisions cast with choices made
rain washes away eventual
time passing perceivings change
light forms max space
storm comes through disconnecting wifi, two Maple leaves and 2 Acorns
gravity is serious business, guffaws can ease the transition
 Earth opens, accepting falling nourishment and we celebrate Harvest Moon abundance
dance amid quantum fields
returning with nature’s rhythms
shadows lurk with falling Sun
the 3 day rain has passed
second day with steady rains and 60s and threes
within a saturated darkness
all is biodegradable
shifting traces
48˚ - 88˚
what we are waiting for
heavy rains, Fall shadows and cooler temperatures
rain glistening with darkness Thunder Storm
exagerated expectations level with fair light
nature spirits dance
morning glow cools with evening breeze
listening to grasses cracking
it's not still, it's disintegrating
darkness tips clocks as Summer/Lammas winds down
away before dawn back with evening
light rain shifts place
now with forever
recovering what we can recover
condescending thoughts disperse with 90˚ bake
Water is a growth production
plateaus with light and time
inflammations contract with cooler weather and expand with heat
underlying conditions seldom considered
stasis is temporary
harvested grains can feed us all
Lammas shadows season and resonate the lands and hearts of flora and fauna
Full Moon Circle Fir e between AM & PM
artists pouring acrylics, oils and other petrochemicals over the Earth calling it environmental art... only in Amerika and the rest of the "first" world...
we are enculturated to hold on, seldom to let go
a dry reality happens often
keeping options open
standing with 92˚ with cooling shower moving through softens,skin, hair and temperment
90+˚ hot, humid, no rain, yet, land and body drying out 
treading Water somewhere between structure and nebulae electra
Lammas leaf fallen
stillness conects with action
rain and light passing to close as well
with body shedding frameworks with reality shed and a new stability comforts
we possess the consequences, not the cause
rain passages dry rhythmically
down pour and strong wind lower Summer heat to a more comfortable for now is the time
approaching Lammas, Lughnassadh, Lugnasad with August, celebrating first grain harvest, a time for gathering and thanks for abundance, and color change with Sun descending
leaf revolves around a pivot, like an old clock dial
are those spots getting lighter
with disintegration and fading leaves there are living processes just beginning
breathless heat
sluggish shadows disperse
3rd day with 90˚+ heat wave with radial fine hair cracking
filtering our justice
memory fades
Water memories follow day
demons, halos and bright lights may wake us
with times time may linger
caregiving changes with light and dark
saturation permeation satiety surfeit 
Moon struck
perfect hot Summer evening with Pesto and penne...
power and strength with fallen Pin Oak twig w/dead leaves adorn living passing
awakenings bring with them freshened realities
caretaking stillness
cloudiness brings a diffused light form with clarity
quietly enfolding interdependent forms
nature elements move piece setting it below with stepped design extention
slippage over night stabilizes today
slugs, mollusks without a shell visit when it rains
thunderous heavy rain roundings
hot breezes releasing layer
circular patterns shifting space
changes with physicality can be a focus as passage
all day dream
dying tempered with life
another day 90˚ stillness
slowly with 90˚ heat
light and dark passages
morning and evening balance
second day with 60s, darkness with rain
with equilibrium Summer Solstice
48˚F > 80˚F arc
pair Pin Oak catkins arc pair Eastern Hemlock needles arc pair spiral whatdyacallems arc and windy arc
windy 60˚ arc 
windy 85˚ arc
cooling rain arc 
Sun arc
vine with shadow
Boo working with morning forms
Catalpa blossom landing
scanning vine circumambulating and joined by another, with a breeze
vine tentacle, checking out the circularity?
night time .8" rain rinse with Maple and Oak canopy and day long dry breezes
Roly Polys and other critters condominium
dis integration with life continuing
flowerings somewhere in between
old structures no longer applicable break away
awareness stills
there is breath
crossroads with loosening layers
thunder with horizon, darkening presence
sometimes we note a day has gone by
objects may appear shinier with retrospect
Water content expanding with an inch of rain and contracting with days' drying creates 
friction, wear away
Roly-Poly are multiplying with composting, drowning or sated with an all day rain, heavy at times
Roly-Poly composting with rain showers
a wood ant hill... Hu...
kaleidoscopic past cascades with wholeness
an assuring stillness visitsa nights' new storm cell passes with following cooler winds with new cells' ease grieving memorieswith leaf let go
64˚ with morning, 91˚ with 5 PM feels like 98˚
rain, fog, overcast, raining starting, leading in 90˚s tomorrow
rain stained
Sun shine and Sun filtered
more rain rinses and cooler breeze day
with site;White blossom whorled leaf Bedstraw Galium aperine, pink flowering Herb Robert Geranium robertianum with deeply dissected leaves, Blue Violet Viola sororia, fallen immature Oak Quercua palustris/a red Oak and Maple Acer sp leaves and seeds/helicopters...
after, between and after heavy thunderstorms with more due during the night
had rain and have raining
different views with same viewpoint
subtle changes with second day with 80˚ bake
exploring new levels 
stacked dimensions
hand brushing charred flakes with 35 mph wind gusts and 75˚ Sun
quiet anticipation
Boo marking her statement
adding Water
shifting light shifting
rain over night with morning and drying this evening, waves with Water saturation
new layer opening
all day soaking rains
enJoy with Beltane!
New Moon, partial Sol eclipse
a twig lands
heavy cold winds blow dry with contractions
rain deepens tone with color, earth, animal and plant life
flashback corn
Earth breathes in warming air
gray day revelations
top blows away with Earth
stories unfold we watch
Spring shadows
a light dusting cools then melts
another wind today trims, awaiting heavy rain, possibly with snow, tonight
more wind gusts up to 30 mph aren't shaking the charred
a morning shot today with sprinkles, rains due later
with gusting winds lately, and this hasn't drifted about
83˚ with gusting winds and threatening bands dark clouds
gusts break away
Sun, 73˚ and fallen Pin Oak Quercus palustris blooms
knobs with tree trunk guide wind and Water trimming char to their form
a drying day
another night and morning rain
warming breezes dry and trim
two days with rain
light with dark shape and form with photo
a gesture of the grid pattern with the charred edges...
circumambulating char... shadows of the 
flames that preceded/pre seeded them...

Elements are Life
Love, Peace & CoCreating with universe.

art with Earth blog, bioenergetics, charcoal, collaborative with Nature, eco-environmental land art, quantum field, webh

local circle Fire charcoal with stone, Water, Air, Fire, Earth & quantum field
Sturgeon Pool
Wallkill River
Rifton NY
11/28/2022 & 11/16/2022

∆ ∆ ∆
energizing excitement
Winter whiplash

temperatures rising up to mild 46˚grays with late November pool lays still... a couple dozen Canvasback Duck and soaring Bald Eagle have moved on with their art work...

Elements are Life
Love Peace CoCreativity...

art with Earth blog, charcoal, collaborative with Nature, eco-environmental land art, fractals, quantum field, webh

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

11/29 AM & PM

(can read as chrono verse bottom to top)

today I feel a quieting

Earth breathes all in
a large body of Water moves in
leaves and art have decomposed for thousands of years
gratitude for sentience as we celebrate wholidays
Water pool appears with no rain recently squirrel piss
warmer temps expand the area
apart a part
beneath ground hard freezing
15 mph winds make 32˚ feel like 24˚ moving and freezing stillness at once
site temp crispy 37˚ lamb stew on the stove top 
dark wintry clouds whisk by overhead
snow patterns beyond 
predicted snow for the night starts with a few frozen sprinkles
memories appear as pictures
cooling breezes smell like snow
hello, is there any one in there
outer bands Nicole arrive 
when no change is change
breezy leaves whispering
cool comes in fast, 30˚ tonite
dawn will begin eclipsed
temperatures with 70s˚ with rains today and clocks and we back up with a busy Full Lunar eclipse
Hemlock needles lineal drift forms
Oak dropping leaves with today's warm wind layering over fallen Maple leaves
sometimes faces remind us of others we've met
Fall time passages as leaves recover this land
tensions with forms' and liquids' energies
eyes with ancestors with us
"life is about a dream"
it's dark by 6
Sugar Maple above is bare
what cell tower blips do to color fauxtos
orchestration proceeds
it really comes down with the environment
looking for equilibrium and was given this
it warmed up today, 68˚ with Sun
minerals, chemistry and physics cycling back with Earth
compassionate care with dying away
Sugar Maple sheds and lays with sleep
cooling breezes waves rustle changing spaces
dark rainy day cemetery a hundred yards down our dead end street
layered life passages
perhaps tonight will be restfull
an aspect of the whole with each moment and space
falling leaves with rain heavy receding energies
drama leaves with a breeze
speaking with my own rediculaousless is absurd
insects making their way to warm nesting Earth
as we watch it go we Moon dance
dynamism and devitalization cloak wholeness
tiny Maple leaf plays with scale
darkness rains all day tapering off with bone cooling damp
day with remnant bands dark killer storm rains and winds
did you pick up light bulbs?
cool gusty wind and ideas come and go
stillness with communications shifts
we are witness for the young
enliven with Earthly aroma 
life forms changing with seasons attune with rhythms
Auricularia auricula?
now is the time with change around here
the watchers observing changings
Apple pie aroma drifts by
shadows with a continuing roll/role throughout time, space and place
Fall Equinox darkening with life force returning with Earth, this began with Spring Equinox bursting upward
major views with so many fronts
decisions cast with choices made
rain washes away eventual
time passing perceivings change
light forms max space
storm comes through disconnecting wifi, two Maple leaves and 2 Acorns
gravity is serious business, guffaws can ease the transition
 Earth opens, accepting falling nourishment and we celebrate Harvest Moon abundance
dance amid quantum fields
returning with nature’s rhythms
shadows lurk with falling Sun
the 3 day rain has passed
second day with steady rains and 60s and threes
within a saturated darkness
all is biodegradable
shifting traces
48˚ - 88˚
what we are waiting for
heavy rains, Fall shadows and cooler temperatures
rain glistening with darkness Thunder Storm
exagerated expectations level with fair light
nature spirits dance
morning glow cools with evening breeze
listening to grasses cracking
it's not still, it's disintegrating
darkness tips clocks as Summer/Lammas winds down
away before dawn back with evening
light rain shifts place
now with forever
recovering what we can recover
condescending thoughts disperse with 90˚ bake
Water is a growth production
plateaus with light and time
inflammations contract with cooler weather and expand with heat
underlying conditions seldom considered
stasis is temporary
harvested grains can feed us all
Lammas shadows season and resonate the lands and hearts of flora and fauna
Full Moon Circle Fir e between AM & PM
artists pouring acrylics, oils and other petrochemicals over the Earth calling it environmental art... only in Amerika and the rest of the "first" world...
we are enculturated to hold on, seldom to let go
a dry reality happens often
keeping options open
standing with 92˚ with cooling shower moving through softens,skin, hair and temperment
90+˚ hot, humid, no rain, yet, land and body drying out 
treading Water somewhere between structure and nebulae electra
Lammas leaf fallen
stillness conects with action
rain and light passing to close as well
with body shedding frameworks with reality shed and a new stability comforts
we possess the consequences, not the cause
rain passages dry rhythmically
down pour and strong wind lower Summer heat to a more comfortable for now is the time
approaching Lammas, Lughnassadh, Lugnasad with August, celebrating first grain harvest, a time for gathering and thanks for abundance, and color change with Sun descending
leaf revolves around a pivot, like an old clock dial
are those spots getting lighter
with disintegration and fading leaves there are living processes just beginning
breathless heat
sluggish shadows disperse
3rd day with 90˚+ heat wave with radial fine hair cracking
filtering our justice
memory fades
Water memories follow day
demons, halos and bright lights may wake us
with times time may linger
caregiving changes with light and dark
saturation permeation satiety surfeit 
Moon struck
perfect hot Summer evening with Pesto and penne...
power and strength with fallen Pin Oak twig w/dead leaves adorn living passing
awakenings bring with them freshened realities
caretaking stillness
cloudiness brings a diffused light form with clarity
quietly enfolding interdependent forms
nature elements move piece setting it below with stepped design extention
slippage over night stabilizes today
slugs, mollusks without a shell visit when it rains
thunderous heavy rain roundings
hot breezes releasing layer
circular patterns shifting space
changes with physicality can be a focus as passage
all day dream
dying tempered with life
another day 90˚ stillness
slowly with 90˚ heat
light and dark passages
morning and evening balance
second day with 60s, darkness with rain
with equilibrium Summer Solstice
48˚F > 80˚F arc
pair Pin Oak catkins arc pair Eastern Hemlock needles arc pair spiral whatdyacallems arc and windy arc
windy 60˚ arc 
windy 85˚ arc
cooling rain arc 
Sun arc
vine with shadow
Boo working with morning forms
Catalpa blossom landing
scanning vine circumambulating and joined by another, with a breeze
vine tentacle, checking out the circularity?
night time .8" rain rinse with Maple and Oak canopy and day long dry breezes
Roly Polys and other critters condominium
dis integration with life continuing
flowerings somewhere in between
old structures no longer applicable break away
awareness stills
there is breath
crossroads with loosening layers
thunder with horizon, darkening presence
sometimes we note a day has gone by
objects may appear shinier with retrospect
Water content expanding with an inch of rain and contracting with days' drying creates 
friction, wear away
Roly-Poly are multiplying with composting, drowning or sated with an all day rain, heavy at times
Roly-Poly composting with rain showers
a wood ant hill... Hu...
kaleidoscopic past cascades with wholeness
an assuring stillness visitsa nights' new storm cell passes with following cooler winds with new cells' ease grieving memorieswith leaf let go
64˚ with morning, 91˚ with 5 PM feels like 98˚
rain, fog, overcast, raining starting, leading in 90˚s tomorrow
rain stained
Sun shine and Sun filtered
more rain rinses and cooler breeze day
with site;White blossom whorled leaf Bedstraw Galium aperine, pink flowering Herb Robert Geranium robertianum with deeply dissected leaves, Blue Violet Viola sororia, fallen immature Oak Quercua palustris/a red Oak and Maple Acer sp leaves and seeds/helicopters...
after, between and after heavy thunderstorms with more due during the night
had rain and have raining
different views with same viewpoint
subtle changes with second day with 80˚ bake
exploring new levels 
stacked dimensions
hand brushing charred flakes with 35 mph wind gusts and 75˚ Sun
quiet anticipation
Boo marking her statement
adding Water
shifting light shifting
rain over night with morning and drying this evening, waves with Water saturation
new layer opening
all day soaking rains
enJoy with Beltane!
New Moon, partial Sol eclipse
a twig lands
heavy cold winds blow dry with contractions
rain deepens tone with color, earth, animal and plant life
flashback corn
Earth breathes in warming air
gray day revelations
top blows away with Earth
stories unfold we watch
Spring shadows
a light dusting cools then melts
another wind today trims, awaiting heavy rain, possibly with snow, tonight
more wind gusts up to 30 mph aren't shaking the charred
a morning shot today with sprinkles, rains due later
with gusting winds lately, and this hasn't drifted about
83˚ with gusting winds and threatening bands dark clouds
gusts break away
Sun, 73˚ and fallen Pin Oak Quercus palustris blooms
knobs with tree trunk guide wind and Water trimming char to their form
a drying day
another night and morning rain
warming breezes dry and trim
two days with rain
light with dark shape and form with photo
a gesture of the grid pattern with the charred edges...
circumambulating char... shadows of the 
flames that preceded/pre seeded them...

Elements are Life
Love, Peace & CoCreating with universe.

art with Earth blog, bioenergetics, charcoal, collaborative with Nature, eco-environmental land art, quantum field, webh